Should President Trump divest all his assets?
"YES"              "NO"
50%               50%

Content that supports both sides:

 3-5-18: Donald Trump is raking in big bucks from emoluments foreign and domestic  0  0 
 10-2-18: How Trump is failing to get rich off his presidency  0  0 
 2-9-17: Trump aide Conway says to 'go buy' Ivanka Trump's products  0  0 
 2-8-17: Women nationwide plan Nordstrom's boycott after dropping Ivanka Trump line  0  0 
 1-21-17: Impeach Trump now for violations to the Constitution  0  0 
 1-31-17: Three reasons why the lawsuit against Trump is nothing but faux moral outrage  0  0 
 1-19-17: Ethics lawyers call Trump's business conflicts 'nakedly unconstitutional'  0  0 
 1-11-17: Top lawyer says Trump's ethics solutions make sense  0  0 
 1-12-17: Trump ignores ethics experts urging him to divest from his businesses & puts sons in charge instead  0  0 
 1-11-17: Trump: I will turn business over to my sons  0  0 
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