Is the rise of Donald Trump similar to the rise of Hitler?
"YES"              "NO"
33%               67%

Content that supports both sides:

 8-8-23: Trump and the five elements of fascism  0  0 
 12-27-23: John Cleese trolls with 'Five Ways Hitler was Preferable to Trump'  0  0 
 12-18-23: 1990 report: Ivana Trump told her lawyer Donald Trump kept Hitler speeches beside bed  0  0 
 11-13-23: Trump campaign defends Nazi-era 'vermin' threat  0  0 
 8-30-20: Media shouldn't normalize 'fascist' Trumpism, Yale professor says  0  0 
 8-2-20: President Trump is not a fascist  0  0 
 1-27-16: Anne Frank's stepsister: 'Donald Trump is acting like Hitler'  0  0 
 3-11-16: Trump's not Hitler, he's Mussolini  0  0 
 7-25-20: Portland finally proves it: Trump is pulling us into fascism  0  0 
 7-24-20: Judge refuses to issue order reining in federal agents in Portland  0  0 
 8-9-19: Leading civil rights lawyer shows 20 ways Trump is copying Hitler's early rhetoric and policies  0  0 
 4-17-20: Noam Chomsky discusses differences between Hitler and Trump  0  0 
 1-2-18: Talking about Trump, U.S. Rep Hank Johnson invokes Adolf Hitler  0  0 
 12-7-16: Comparisons between Trump and Hitler inflamatory  0  0 
 2-1-17: Trump: The rise of modern fascism?  0  0 
 3-14-16: Claiming that Trump is a fascist makes fascism impossible to understand  0  0 
 3-24-16: Noam Chomsky on similarities between the rise of Trump and Hitler  0  0 
 12-8-15: Trump explains to George Stephanopoulus why people sometimes compare him to Hitler  0  0 
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