Was the election of Donald Trump legitimate?
"YES"              "NO"
33%               67%

Content that supports both sides:

 2-16-22: Paul Manafort: There was Russian collusion in 2016 between the Clinton campaign and Russians  0  0 
 10-6-17: Parscale tells 60 Minutes Facebook employees were embedded in Trump's digital ops  0  0 
 12-23-20: Trump pardons former campaign chairman Paul Manafort  0  0 
 4-15-21: Trump campaign chief Manafort's associate Kilimnik gave Russia 2016 election strategy, polling, US says  0  0 
 2-19-18: Russia's troll operation was not that sophisticated  0  0 
 7-27-16: Russia hired internet trolls to pose as pro-Trump Americans  0  0 
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