Is President Trump's rollback of Dodd-Frank putting the U.S. at risk of another Great Recession?
"YES"              "NO"
67%               33%

Content that supports both sides:

 3-14-23: How Silicon Valley Bank & Signature Bank lobbied to weaken regulations that could have prevented collapse  0  0 
 3-13-23: GOP presidential contenders cast blame for Silicon Valley Bank collapse  0  0 
 2-28-18: Fact sheet: The Senate's bipartisan Dodd-Frank rollback bill  0  0 
 5-25-18: No, Dodd-Frank was neither repealed nor gutted  0  0 
 12-11-18: Yellen warns of another potential financial crisis  0  0 
 5-24-18: Trump signs biggest rollback of bank rules since Dodd-Frank  0  0 
 11-1-16: In campaign video featuring Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs, Trump says corporations like Wall Street banks destroyed America  0  0 
 10-15-17: Trump populates his cabinet with wealthy ex-Goldman Sachs executives, ensuring Wall Street's success  0  0 
 3-5-18: Gutting Dodd-Frank banking regulations  0  0 
 4-11-2018: Ryan touts Dodd-Frank rollbacks  0  0 
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