Is Donald Trump a racist?
"YES"              "NO"
67%               33%

Content that supports both sides:

 12-31-19: Jewish community denounces anti-semitic attacks fueled by a 'white nationalist administration'  0  0 
 11-27-19: White House adviser Stephen Miller remains undaunted after leak of emails tying him to white nationalist talking points  0  0 
 7-16-19: House floor erupts after Pelosi calls Trump's comments 'racist'  0  0 
 7-16-19: Mitch McConnell says President Trump is 'not a racist' despite controversial tweets  0  0 
 7-16-19: House votes to condemn Trump's racist tweets attacking four congresswomen  0  0 
 7-16-19: Trump may be the least racist, most color-blind President in history  0  0 
 7-15-19: 'Disgusting, racist': Trump slammed for attack on congresswomen  0  0 
 7-14-19: Trump laments that Dems are quick to call their adversaries racists, including fellow Dem Pelosi  0  0 
 1-7-19: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says there is 'no question' that Trump is a racist  0  0 
 1-7-19: White House has officially declared that AOC is suffering from 'sheer ignorance'  0  0 
 11-2-18: Michael Cohen alleges 4 racist things Trump said  0  0 
 10-29-18: Sarah Huckabee Sanders says Trump 'has denounced racism, hatred and bigotry in all forms on a number of occasions and will continue to do that'  0  0 
 10-29-18: Progressive Jewish leaders to Trump: You're not welcome in Pittsburgh  0  0 
 10-29-18: Synagogue shooter hated Donald Trump and shows what real hatred, anti-Semitism looks like  0  0 
 8-10-18: Omarosa says that Trump repeatedly used the n-word  0  0 
 8-10-18: White House says Omarosa's book is 'riddled with lies' after she claims Trump is a 'racist'  0  0 
 3-31-18: African Americans conspicuously absent from picture of Trump interns  0  0 
 1-6-18: Trump takes credit for African American unemployment rate falling to lowest rate in 45 years  0  0 
 1-15-18: The 'definitive list' of Donald Trump's racism  0  0 
 1-15-18: Trump: 'I'm the least racist person you will ever interview.'  0  0 
 1-11-18: UN calls Trump a racist for 'shithole countries' remark  0  0 
 12-7-17: Trump is not PC and that's how he got elected  0  0 
 8-15-17: Entitled, clean-cut, polo-wearing, torch-bearing racists put Trump into office  0  0 
 8-21-17: Trump's white nationalism is merely an attempt to stoke economic nationalism  0  0 
 8-15-17: Donald Trump has been a racist all his life  0  0 
 8-16-17: Rally organizer: How can Trump be a racist if he 'gives' his daughter to a Jew?  0  0 
 8-15-17: Republican strategist 'stunned' when Trump 'goes rogue' about Charlottesville  0  0 
 8-15-17: Trump defends Charlottesville statement (full remarks)  0  0 
 8-14-17: Trump's father was arrested at Ku Klux Klan riot in 1927  0  0 
 9-22-15: Trump denies report of father's arrest at KKK rally  0  0 
 8-14-17: Charlottesville mayor says Trump 'whiffed' by failing to condemn Nazis immediately  0  0 
 8-14-17: Jeff Sessions attempts to clarify appearance that Trump supports racism  0  0 
 10-10-16: Thirteen examples showing why Trump is a racist  0  0 
 8-14-17: Trump directly condemns white supremacists and neo-Nazis  0  0 
 9-3-16: On 2016 campaign trail, protests erupt outside a Detroit church ahead of Donald Trump's visit  0  0 
 7-31-16: Is Donald Trump racist, or does the media just paint him that way?  0  0 
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