Are adolescents who support Trump more responsible for violence in schools than adolescents who support other candidates?
"YES"              "NO"
50%               50%

Content that supports both sides:

 2-13-20: Trump's words, bullied kids, scarred schools  0  0 
 3-30-23: The right exploits Nashville school shooting to escalate anti-trans rhetoric  0  0 
 9-17-18: Early evidence of a 'Trump effect' on bullying in schools  0  0 
 12-21-16: Police: Muslim student at University of Michigan lied about hijab threat  0  0 
 1-19-19: Viral video shows boys in 'Make America Great Again' hats surrounding native elder  0  0 
 11-15-18: Tennessee HS students claim they were told to take off clothing supporting President Trump  0  0 
 11-29-16: 'Make America White Again'  0  0 
 12-11-16: Trump hate hoaxes  0  0 
 11-11-16: Children in schools after Trump is elected go all KKK on everyone  0  0 
 11-11-16: High school girl viciously attacked for supporting Donald Trump  0  0 
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