Did Russian computer hacking influence the results of the 2016 Presidential election?
"YES"              "NO"
50%               50%

Content that supports both sides:

 7-25-19: Russia targeted elections systems in all 50 states, report finds  0  0 
 7-25-19: GOP senators block election security legislation hours after Mueller warns of Russian interference  0  0 
 7-24-19: Mueller: Russian interference among 'most serious' challenges to American democracy  0  0 
 7-24-19: Devin Nunes at Mueller hearing: Close curtain on 'Russia hoax'  0  0 
 6-28-19: Jimmy Carter suggests Trump is illegitimate president because of Russian interference  0  0 
 6-28-19: Trump playfully tells Putin, 'don't meddle in the election'  0  0 
 12-17-18: Oxford University report: The IRA and political polarization in the United States  0  0 
 2-19-18: Russia's troll operation was not that sophisticated  0  0 
 7-16-18: Putin's puppet  0  0 
 7-16-18: Trump sides with Putin over US intelligence  0  0 
 7-16-18: Mueller adds 12 Russians to indictment tally  0  0 
 7-16-18: Putin denies interference in US election at meeting with Trump  0  0 
 7-3-18: Senate panel agrees with intel community that Putin was trying to help Trump  0  0 
 6-28-18: Trump reaffirms in tweet that Putin did not try to influence the election  0  0 
 11-1-17: The Facebook ads Russians targeted at different groups  0  0 
 2-20-18: Podesta's cunning plan to smear Trump in April 2016  0  0 
 3-6-18: Reddit infiltrated by Russian propaganda in run-up to U.S. election  0  0 
 5-1-18: Hillary's crowdstrike--How to hoax a Russian hack  0  0 
 5-10-18: Democrats release Russian-bought Facebook ads to show 'malign' effect on 2016 election  0  0 
 2-23-18: Leftist journalist Masha Gessen says it's unlikely Russian trolls had an effect on 2016 election  0  0 
 2-17-18: Mueller indicts 13 Russian nationals over 2016 election interference  0  0 
 2-19-18: Kremlin dismisses Mueller's indictment of 13 Russians  0  0 
 5-18-17: Poll: Majority believe Trump fired Comey to hinder Russia investigation  0  0 
 5-16-17: If anyone colluded with the Russians, it was Hillary Clinton  0  0 
 4-2-17: McCain sees 'echoes of the Cold War' in Russia controversy--calls for committee to investigate  0  0 
 4-4-17: Noam Chomsky says that issue of interference of Russia in the 2016 U.S. election is a 'joke'  0  0 
 3-30-17: Ex-Obama official refutes claim by Putin that Russia didn't interfere with U.S. election  0  0 
 3-30-17: Putin denies meddling in U.S. Presidential election in 2016  0  0 
 1-10-17: Buzzfeed document: Republican candidate Donald Trump's activities in Russia and compromising relationship with the Kremlin  0  0 
 1-11-17: Sean Spicer calls Buzzfeed document 'a sad and pathetic attempt to get clicks'  0  0 
 1-6-17: Declassified: Intelligence community says Putin ordered campaign to influence election  0  0 
 1-6-17: Glenn Greenwald of The Intercept says CIA biased against Trump  0  0 
 1-3-17: CIA's Brennan: WikiLeaks' Julian Assange is 'not exactly a bastion of truth and integrity'  0  0 
 12-14-16: WikiLeaks operative claims that Clinton campaign e-mails came from inside leak, not Russia  0  0 
 6-15-16: Security firm Crowdstrike investigates intrusion into the DNC  0  0 
 1-1-17: Tech experts find flaws in U.S. report on Russian hacking  0  0 
 12-29-16: Links from Russian hackers to the U.S. election  0  0 
 12-30-16: Report on 'Russian hacking' offers disclaimers, barely mentions Russia  0  0 
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