Should gun control laws in America be made more restrictive?



  The 2nd Amendment is high on the list of amendments because the founding fathers regarded it as one of the most important.
  The U.S. now has more guns than citizens.
  The number of gun-related deaths in the U.S. dwarves that of other major nations.
  '...That explosion was the future Black president leading in the polls in 2007. And then Barack Obama won in 2008. So you have this sort of uncapping of hate and conspiracy, much of it racially driven, that the NRA was tapping into. Prior to 2007, people in the United States never purchased more than 7 million guns in a single year. By the time Barack Obama left office, the United States was purchasing almost 17 million guns a year. And so I think it's impossible to discount the degree to which Obama's presidency lit this whole thing on fire.'
  -Ryan Busse, former executive at Kimber America, a major gun manufacturer, 6-3-2023

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